If you’re lucky enough to receive jewelry, art, electronics, or other valuables for Valentine’s Day, let’s be sure that you have it properly insured.
With valuable items, two of the biggest snags that consumers run into at the time of a claim are:
- Proving an item is missing or stolen
- Establishing a value for the items
Proving the value (termed “proof of loss”) of items is imperative when it’s time to file a claim. Claims are simpler and faster when you have photos of valuable items and collections; receipts or appraisal reports, and a written inventory.
Most valuables articles policies provide:
- All-risks coverage, which covers mysterious disappearance as well as flooding or breakage
- $0 deductible, which means that the entire replacement cost of that engagement ring is covered
- Blanket coverage for groups of valuables such as jewelry, crystal, or fine arts
- “Scheduled” coverage for valuables (meaning that items are individually listed)
- Coverage for valuables purchased but not yet reported to the insurance agent or carrier
Whatever is on your Valentine’s Day wish list or shopping list, protect it. It’ll help you love it even more. Contact us to determine the best way to cover your valuables.
Choosing the right insurance agent is one of the most important decisions you will make. The Turner Agency Inc. has covered the insurance needs of the Upstate of South Carolina and beyond since 1962. Our team provides choice in coverage options from a carefully selected group of financially sound, reputable insurance companies; ease of doing business; and unparalleled advocacy on your behalf.
As your needs change, we’ll be with you every step of the way. Contact us today and let’s get started.