While spring cleaning is a great way to freshen up your home, a few maintenance activities can prevent costly home insurance claims down the road. Here are our recommendations:
Clean the dryer lint hose at least once a year. Lint can get past the trap, and a clogged hose is one of the leading causes of house fires.
Check your smoke detector batteries on a regular basis. An easy way to remember this is to change them each time we “spring forward” and “fall back”.
Inspect your roof. Are there signs of warping, cracking, loose shingles, or raised nails? Inspect flashing around chimneys, skylights, or vents, and replace any damaged materials. If necessary, hire a licensed roofer to make the repairs to prevent a water leak.
Check electrical outlets, cords, and surge protectors. Look for potential fire hazards such as frayed wires or loose-fitting plugs. Don’t assume your decade-old surge protector still works properly.
Examine windows and doors for cracks where moisture can enter and cause damage. Replace old and dried out caulking.
Check your water heater for leaks or corrosion and have them repaired as needed.
Schedule an air conditioner check-up with a professional before flipping the switch from heat to air. Clean or replace your air filters on a regular basis.
Clean up yard materials and trim dead branches from trees. Keep branches away from utility wires and all shrubbery away from windows to help prevent theft.
Clean your gutters and downspouts. Gutters and downspouts direct water away from the roof and house, and prevent damage to both, so it’s important to keep them free of debris.
Inspect your basement. Basements can easily build up dampness if there’s little or no ventilation. Investing in a dehumidifier or sump pump is worthwhile if you can’t ventilate this area. Check for any signs of insects or rodents, especially if your home’s foundation has wood framing.
Repair tripping hazards. Check the driveway and sidewalk for cracks or broken bricks. Check your deck for raised nails or rotted boards.
A little home maintenance now can go a long way towards keeping your home safe and secure throughout the rest of the year!
Did you know? Non weather-related water losses are the #1 source of property damage, and $65,000 is the average interior water damage claim payout according to our partner, Chubb Insurance.
Turner Tip: Consider purchasing a smart water leak detector to protect your home against water damage. These devices are one of the fastest growing preventative home technology products, and some insurance companies offer a discount on your premium if you have one.